Saturday, October 18, 2008

Breaking Dawn broke

my brain. Seriously...what was up with that book, Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer?! I know that there are MANY, MANY readers that feel that way so I'm not alone. The only word I can think of for that book is "overworked." The plot was completely overworked with too many twists, too much gore, and too much tension without a proper release. That stand off was lame-o and weak. Maybe I am being too harsh but I stayed up for many hours to get that book (Barnes and Noble midnight release party) and it just didn't live up to my expectations. In fact, I am not sure if I'll ever be able to read another Stephenie Meyer book again.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I wasn't very invested in the story in the first place. I've always thought that Bella was kind of lame - too needy and dependent for my taste. I wasn't as disappointed by the book. Of course, I also thought it was sort of hilarious that she'd throw so many twists and turns into the story, things that NO ONE saw coming. It's better than having it be cliche, I think. And you have to admit, there were some really cool parts, and the actual writing style was still better than a lot of other authors.

Ms. Ricke--Book Worm said...

You are so funny to call her needy and dependent but I totally agree! :) And it is true about not being cliche but it was still really bizarre...even with the good writing style.

Why can't you just let me be debbie downer?! :)

Anonymous said...

Hooooooray, an update. I totally agree about Breaking Dawn.To me it felt like amateur fanfiction. The image in my head of Bella kneeling on the floor staring horrified at her tampons and exclaiming, "Edward, I missed my PERIOD!"(okay maybe that's not verbatim but ya get the idea). I literally laughed out loud. It was kind of ridiculous it seemed so un Stephanie Meyerish. Though Emmett's chapter of innuendos was slightly amusing I was still counting on an epic battle at the end to redeem all the gushy "we're the proud parents of a creepy hybrid baby named Nessie!" stuff, and it NEVER happened. But the Jacob chapters swayed me to Team Jacob. And for half a second I kind of liked Rosalie, then I realized she was being nice because she's a *baby starved wingnut (yay for Juno quotes)*. Overall I'm glad I wasn't a big fan anyway so I wasn't overly disappointed.

Anonymous said...

It's more fun this way.

smiles :) said...

I finished the book last night- I really loved the first book of the series, felt that one was the best, and then they just slid a bit from there. I like that she (mostly) tied up all of the ends for Breaking Dawn, but I could still use one more book, just to see how her kid turns out, plus the inevitable final confrontation with the Volturi. Mmm, thought it was an original take on the vampire story, and I actually liked Bella, as flawed as she was, felt more like an actual person.