Saturday, October 18, 2008

I found

a knock-off of a T.V. show. It all started with the Anthony Elementary Scholastic bookfair. Scholastic sent the school a promotional video to get the students excited for some of the books that were going to be sold at that book fair. One of the featured books was Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix. I couldn't locate the exact video from Scholastic but here is something similar from youtube:

So needless to say I was all jazzed up about reading the book. The book fair came and I purchased the book and read it in a night. I was hooked right away and found it really intense until I only had about 100 pages left. At that point I pretty much knew exactly what was going to happen and which T.V. show had almost that same exact plot going on!!!!!! The whole thing just struck me as really odd that she would take a page from a T.V. show...usually that sort of the thing is the other way around. I am not going to say which T.V. show I am referencing because that really would give the whole thing away. At the same time, I am not going to continue with the series for Found and I don't recommend it.

Breaking Dawn broke

my brain. Seriously...what was up with that book, Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer?! I know that there are MANY, MANY readers that feel that way so I'm not alone. The only word I can think of for that book is "overworked." The plot was completely overworked with too many twists, too much gore, and too much tension without a proper release. That stand off was lame-o and weak. Maybe I am being too harsh but I stayed up for many hours to get that book (Barnes and Noble midnight release party) and it just didn't live up to my expectations. In fact, I am not sure if I'll ever be able to read another Stephenie Meyer book again.

Fell off

the reading wagon. I love reading and I love books more than words can ever express. Yet, I haven't read a lot in the past few months. I make other stuff more of a priority and that hasn't made me too happy. is back to hitting the books and here we go!