Sunday, December 23, 2007


Finished boy meets boy by David Levithan! I had a hard time reading the first twenty pages of the book. There were situations that the reader is supposed to believe such as a five year old knowing how to read and understand the word"definately" and a full on high school drag queen who is also a quarterback. Plus the main characters live in a town where most people are bi-sexual or gay and being straight is the minority. I am sure there are places like that but I guess I have not travelled enough or ever lived in such a place so it was hard for me to relate to the setting.

Anywho, once you get past the first twenty pages it really is a sweet love story. It is nice to read about a crush coming to fruition (regardless of gender) and not have the whole thing corrupted by raunchiness. I think I am starting to show my age again but I get so sick of reading Young Adult novels where the only focus is SEX. HOORAY for a book that is about love and crushes!!!!

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