Friday, December 7, 2007

Wall-Flower Power

Okay, so The Perks of Being a Wallflower really did live up to the hype! It is great when that sort of things happen. Basically the book is made up of letters written by the a 9th grader “Charlie” (whose real name is never revealed), to an anonymous friend. It is neat because as you read, you become the anonymous friend and you get to understand the essence of Charlie and why he is such a wallflower. I also find the song and book references throughout the book interesting.

By the time I finished the book I started thinking about the fact that everyone is a wallflower in some way. There is always one area where someone does not feel comfortable and becomes an introvert. For me it is going to parties where I only know one person. I pretty much stick to the wall or the one friend I came with.

When do you become an introvert? What do you think are the perks of being a wallflower?

P.S. If you are sensitive about drug use, sexual situations, relationships, mental stability, and high school in general, you may not want to read this book.

Monday, December 3, 2007

I love technology….always and forever?

Okay, I was desperate to start reading….so….I happened to have boy meets girl by Meg Cabot. I figured it was another girlie Young Adult (YA) book but what the heck. Then I started reading it only to realize that it is supposed to be for adults. The funny thing it is still very much like a YA novel. Basically instead of high school, there is a work place but the same situations are there (i.e. gossip, relationships, heartbreak, romance, etc.).

Another way the book is like a YA novel is that it is full of technology. After a few traditional pages, the book will have IM dialogue between the main character and her best friend. Then there will be a few more regular pages and the dialogue will turn into email conversations. At first I thought that sort of thing was neat because we have technology all around it and let’s face it; those are very common ways we communicate now. However, it sort of ruins the flow of the book for me. What is wrong with the traditional way of writing? Is that all going to go out the window for technology? If so, am I being a FUDDY-DUDDY for not being excited about it?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I feel the need, the need to READ!!

Okay, I am starting to get a bit burned out on Young Adult (YA) novels that are on the girlie side (i.e. love, relationships, etc.). What should I read next?

I am thinking about The Perks of Being a Wallflower because I am wondering if it lives up to the hype.....

Again, suggestions? :)