Monday, November 26, 2007

Promo from the Gossip Girl Show

Just thought I would share the promo for the Gossip Girl show on the CW. It gives a good gist of the books:


That pretty much dominates in the book Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar. Whether it is vomiting after the constant drinking, or vomiting after each meal, vomit is EVERYWHERE!!! The characters in this book are young and rich New York socialites who go to private schools and drink at every occasion. They are obsessed with partying, looking good, social status, and sleeping around. I guess the books are supposed to be a lot like “Sex in the City” but with teenagers. Somehow I feel like this book misses the “Sex in the City” mark because it is pretty trashy but lacks a lot of the “Sex and the City” wit.

On the other hand, I guess it is sort of fun to read about the world of the rich and the very, very rich. It makes me wonder if the occurrences in the book really do happen with teenage socialites...I suppose anything is possible! Another interesting thing to ponder is the use of a website in this book. One character that pops up throughout the book goes by the name Gossip Girl and she uses a website to gossip about the things going on around her and involving everyone in the books. It is a mystery as to which girl (character) actually runs the website but the website is real. It is for fans to dish the gossip and read about it too.

I was debating whether or not to continue with this series and I decided the best way to go was to read the summaries of the next books in the series. After reading each summary and seeing a cover of each book I pretty much am up to speed on what happened in all of the books! I don’t even have to read them to be completely caught up! So NO, I will not be reading anymore of these. However, if you enjoy trashy novels, these books are a great way to go!