Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Host of Traveling

First, once again I have to apologize for the lack of posts. This summer I have done a host of traveling...and reading too but now I am barely posting.

At the beginning of June I read The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I was WAAAAYYYY to read another book by Meyer while waiting for her upcoming Breaking Dawn. Even though I was excited I was also nervous to read The Host because it is labeled as sci-fi and I have issues with sci-fi; but I pressed on. The first chapter of the book was hard to get into because it was confusing. I really didn’t know what was going on. After 1/4 into the book, I even went back to the first chapter to get a better grasp. Then once past the 1/4 mark, for me, the book really took off. I was hooked and read until the wee hours to get it finished. Then by the end, I felt sort of weird about the actual ending.

Sometimes it is a good idea to read books more than once and I waited a month, and picked up the book at the beginning of July. Upon second reading I really enjoyed and even the ending grew on me a bit as I fully came to accept the resolution. I was surprised to learn that Meyer is going to turn The Host into a series...it didn’t really strike me as a series book...but of course I will read them to see where she takes the characters next.

For a summary and bonus video on The Host, here is a weblink:

For those of you who have read, some questions:
1. What do you all think of the book overall?
2. Did you all find it to be “an adult” book as opposed to a book written for teenagers?
3. If so, what made it more adult than teenage?


Anonymous said...

Overall, I felt it was very good, although it was hard to get into. I liked how complex everything is, and how there's basically more than one hero. I didn't feel like it was really an adult book as it's supposed to be - it still felt like a teenage book to me. That doesn't really matter though, since her main audience for it will still be teenagers, since most are coming to it after reading the Twilight series.

The ending wasn't what I expected, but I still liked it.

Ms. Ricke--Book Worm said...

I agreed with one of the reviewers from the B&N site that even though there have been plenty of alien stories, this one felt fresh. I didn't think it was all that adult either....maybe it is considered adult just because the characters are older?

I just felt the ending could have been left at that so I can fill in the blanks myself. But like I said, I will read the sequels...

Megan said...

Someday when I am done reading book with pictures I will read some of the books that you blog about... hurray!