Sunday, December 23, 2007

What color is your blood?

Yes, I read more vampire books. I just finished Blue Bloods and Masquerade both by Melissa de la Cruz. They were both so good that I needed to get through them today. One review for Blue Bloods says:

"De la Cruz introduces a conception of vampires far different from stake-fleeing demons in traditional horror fiction, coupling sly humor with the gauzier trappings of being fanged and fabulous."--Booklist

The main character is Schuyler Van Alen a teenager who attends a ritzy private school in New York City only to realize that she is a vampire. Throughout the books Schuyler discovers the vampire ways and vampire histories...all the way back to the settling of Plymouth Rock!!! There is mystery in these books as well as: suspense, romance, confusion, and lots of other emotions as well. The books really are well written and great to read if you are a fan of vampire books.

There are only a few drawbacks to these books (in my opinion of course!):

1. A few of the main characters have [you guessed it]
GREEN EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Schuyler lives in a very ritzy place so there is lots of talk of fashion
and other en vogue topics
3. The third book does not come out until Fall of 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[*le sigh*]

Still, I am glad that I read these books and just have to hold out for 9 months or so!!!!!!! What other choice do I have?! ;)


Finished boy meets boy by David Levithan! I had a hard time reading the first twenty pages of the book. There were situations that the reader is supposed to believe such as a five year old knowing how to read and understand the word"definately" and a full on high school drag queen who is also a quarterback. Plus the main characters live in a town where most people are bi-sexual or gay and being straight is the minority. I am sure there are places like that but I guess I have not travelled enough or ever lived in such a place so it was hard for me to relate to the setting.

Anywho, once you get past the first twenty pages it really is a sweet love story. It is nice to read about a crush coming to fruition (regardless of gender) and not have the whole thing corrupted by raunchiness. I think I am starting to show my age again but I get so sick of reading Young Adult novels where the only focus is SEX. HOORAY for a book that is about love and crushes!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

On the topic of books....

I am excited that I will be getting to some adventure/outdoorsy books soon.
Man vs. Wild would be so proud!


Okay, finished boy meets girl. Have to say that it was pretty much torture to get through but I feel proud that I finished it. I really do think that Meg Cabot is just WAAAAAAAAAYYYYY too girlie for me. Also, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the style of the writing was not enjoyable. It would go from a letter format, to a diary, to an email, to IM and even the different formats were not very accurate. The flow of the story was just not there.

About the only thing I realized from this book was GREEN EYES. I swear, why it is that every main love interest has to have green eyes?! It just seems crazy and silly. I mean, are green eyes that much of a hot commodity? There are only a handful of books that I can think of that contain a love interest with brown eyes and those books are all from one author, Stephenie Meyer.

What say you my beloved readers? :)

P.S. I have green eyes...:) hee hee!!!!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Wall-Flower Power

Okay, so The Perks of Being a Wallflower really did live up to the hype! It is great when that sort of things happen. Basically the book is made up of letters written by the a 9th grader “Charlie” (whose real name is never revealed), to an anonymous friend. It is neat because as you read, you become the anonymous friend and you get to understand the essence of Charlie and why he is such a wallflower. I also find the song and book references throughout the book interesting.

By the time I finished the book I started thinking about the fact that everyone is a wallflower in some way. There is always one area where someone does not feel comfortable and becomes an introvert. For me it is going to parties where I only know one person. I pretty much stick to the wall or the one friend I came with.

When do you become an introvert? What do you think are the perks of being a wallflower?

P.S. If you are sensitive about drug use, sexual situations, relationships, mental stability, and high school in general, you may not want to read this book.

Monday, December 3, 2007

I love technology….always and forever?

Okay, I was desperate to start reading….so….I happened to have boy meets girl by Meg Cabot. I figured it was another girlie Young Adult (YA) book but what the heck. Then I started reading it only to realize that it is supposed to be for adults. The funny thing it is still very much like a YA novel. Basically instead of high school, there is a work place but the same situations are there (i.e. gossip, relationships, heartbreak, romance, etc.).

Another way the book is like a YA novel is that it is full of technology. After a few traditional pages, the book will have IM dialogue between the main character and her best friend. Then there will be a few more regular pages and the dialogue will turn into email conversations. At first I thought that sort of thing was neat because we have technology all around it and let’s face it; those are very common ways we communicate now. However, it sort of ruins the flow of the book for me. What is wrong with the traditional way of writing? Is that all going to go out the window for technology? If so, am I being a FUDDY-DUDDY for not being excited about it?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I feel the need, the need to READ!!

Okay, I am starting to get a bit burned out on Young Adult (YA) novels that are on the girlie side (i.e. love, relationships, etc.). What should I read next?

I am thinking about The Perks of Being a Wallflower because I am wondering if it lives up to the hype.....

Again, suggestions? :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Promo from the Gossip Girl Show

Just thought I would share the promo for the Gossip Girl show on the CW. It gives a good gist of the books:


That pretty much dominates in the book Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar. Whether it is vomiting after the constant drinking, or vomiting after each meal, vomit is EVERYWHERE!!! The characters in this book are young and rich New York socialites who go to private schools and drink at every occasion. They are obsessed with partying, looking good, social status, and sleeping around. I guess the books are supposed to be a lot like “Sex in the City” but with teenagers. Somehow I feel like this book misses the “Sex in the City” mark because it is pretty trashy but lacks a lot of the “Sex and the City” wit.

On the other hand, I guess it is sort of fun to read about the world of the rich and the very, very rich. It makes me wonder if the occurrences in the book really do happen with teenage socialites...I suppose anything is possible! Another interesting thing to ponder is the use of a website in this book. One character that pops up throughout the book goes by the name Gossip Girl and she uses a website to gossip about the things going on around her and involving everyone in the books. It is a mystery as to which girl (character) actually runs the website but the website is real. It is for fans to dish the gossip and read about it too.

I was debating whether or not to continue with this series and I decided the best way to go was to read the summaries of the next books in the series. After reading each summary and seeing a cover of each book I pretty much am up to speed on what happened in all of the books! I don’t even have to read them to be completely caught up! So NO, I will not be reading anymore of these. However, if you enjoy trashy novels, these books are a great way to go!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The END?

Okay, I guess I made an assumption...a WRONG assumption. I assumed that the Georgia Nicolson confessions were complete with 7 books; that is not the case. Now I am stuck with a stinkin' cliff hanger and who knows when the next book comes out. I know, I know I am sure I can look it up on the website but I don't want to.

How many times have you started a series of books and thought the whole series was done? Am I the only one who makes that mistake? Good grief! is the site to find out when the next book comes out just in case you are willing to look:

P.S. I couldn't resist. I had to look and I am pleasantly surprised. but seriously, how many books are there going to be?! :)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Don't be wet

Georgia Nicolson. She is a great girl if you can understand her! You see, Georgia is a teenager from England who of course uses lots and lots of English words and English phrases. In addition to her crazy terms (i.e. boy entrancers, furry pants, nunga-nungas) she also speaks a lot of French and made up Italian words. Good times. Don’t worry though, the back of the book has a Glossary…but it is definitely not boring.

Reading the series “Confessions of Georgia Nicolson” is a ball. The author Louise Rennison does a great job of capturing the love and lust of teenage girls and boys in a funny, yet real way. All of the books in the series are set up as diary entries of Georgia à la Bridget Jones’s Diary. So basically if you like a book that is quirky, romantic, funny, hormone filled, and has lots of wacky characters, these books are for you.

Here are the 7 book in total:
1. angus, thongs and full-frontal snogging
2. on the bright side-i’m now the girlfriend of a sex god
3. knocked out by my nunga-nungas
4. dancing in my nuddy pants
5. away laughing on a fast camel
6. then he at my boy etnrancers
7. startled by his furry shorts

Don’t be wet (a drippy, useless, nerdy idiot), start this series NOW!

My first blog

I feel so technical now! This is my first blog ever and I am excited but I also feel like a dolt. Am I going to end up saying anything profound? Umm...probably not. On the other hand, I am going to use this to discuss the books I am currently reading and hopefully that will peak your interest in the books as well!!! :)