Sunday, March 9, 2008

Horrible Blogger

Okay, okay, I know I am a horrible blogger. It has taken me forever to put something new up. :0( I am truly sorry. Things with graduate school have really thrown me for a loop and I can't wait to be done so I can devote more time to this!

Well, I finally got my precious hands on Dream Factory. The story takes place at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The main characters at Disney World are on strike so Disney World hires recent high school graduates to work during the strike. It is neat to read about Disney World and things behind the scenes. That really was my favorite part of the book, learning secrets of Disney World. Otherwise, the plot is pretty typical. Girl likes boy, boy has girlfriend, will boy leave girlfriend for the girl? There are some other interesting characters in the mix (a Disney World employee who did not go on strike) and I am glad that I read it but it was not one of those books that I absolutely could not put down. I would say overall it was average but still enjoyable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting...I don't think it's something I'd like, though.