Thursday, November 22, 2007

The END?

Okay, I guess I made an assumption...a WRONG assumption. I assumed that the Georgia Nicolson confessions were complete with 7 books; that is not the case. Now I am stuck with a stinkin' cliff hanger and who knows when the next book comes out. I know, I know I am sure I can look it up on the website but I don't want to.

How many times have you started a series of books and thought the whole series was done? Am I the only one who makes that mistake? Good grief! is the site to find out when the next book comes out just in case you are willing to look:

P.S. I couldn't resist. I had to look and I am pleasantly surprised. but seriously, how many books are there going to be?! :)


Anonymous said...

No, I never made that mistake of starting a series without knowing how many books there were (or would be).

Anonymous said...

maybe it'll be a series that'll go on and on and on, until they run out of ideas. that be a lot of suspense. ah! what did you get yourself into! haha.